Friday, 26 August 2011

Rubber 2010

The film 'Rubber' that we viewed in the lecture despite being quite confusing or even boring, does set up the parameters for the Syd Field paradigm quite well. I think that the first plot point takes place at the beginning of the film when the sheriff is talking and telling the audience about the story they are going to see. My understanding of the plot point sequences is that the first plot point ‘sets up the movie’ and to me, it is either this scene or when the tire first starts moving. Rubber uses a number of different techniques to put forward the sequence of events that happen to the apparently psychic tire. Although the tire is an object with no thoughts, or expressions, the director has been able to successfully portray the tire’s purpose without those things. He has instead compensated with music, imagery, settings, support characters, and camera techniques. Through this he has challenged the typical convention of a narrative, buy eliminating the human characteristics, and instead as stated above given the tire human like qualities. The tire is learning and discovering and progressing in a similar way to that of a young child, while the audience is watching this transformation take place. The audience in this film features stereotypical characters of people who typically watch a film. I feel the theme of this film is hard to pinpoint, but from my knowledge of films and the readings from this week, I would say it is dealing with the concept of change and development as well as loneliness.

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